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Final Answers
© 2000-2005 Gérard P. Michon, Ph.D.

Scientific Symbols and Icons

 Coat-of-arms of the 
 famous Bernoulli family 
 (Swiss mathematicians).
Symbols are more than just cultural artefacts:
[They address] our intellect, emotions, and spirit.
David Fontana (The Secret Language of Symbols, 1993)

Related articles on this site:

Related Links (Outside this Site)

Scientific Symbol Resources at symbols.net
Graphic Symbol Index at symbols.com
History of Mathematical Symbols by Douglas Weaver and Anthony D. Smith
Flags with Mathematical Symbols  |  Table of Mathematical Symbols

Mathematical Symbols and Scientific Icons

 Equality Symbol Emily Guerin (2004-06-18; e-mail)   The Equality Symbol
Who was the first person to use the = (equal) sign?

A very elongated form of the modern equality symbol (=) was first introduced in print in The Whetstone of Witte (1557) by Robert Recorde (1510-1558) the man who first introduced algebra into England.  He justified the symbol by stating that no two things can be more equal than a pair of parallel lines...

We've been told that a manuscript from the University of Bologna, dated between 1550 and 1568, features the same equality symbol, apparently independently of the work of Robert Recorde (and possibly slightly earlier).

William Oughtred (1574-1660) was instrumental in the subsequent popularization of the symbol, which appears next in 1618, in the appendix [attributed to him] of the English translation by Edward Wright of John Napier's Descriptio (where early logarithms were first described in 1614).  The mathematical symbol is then seen again, and perhaps more importantly, in Oughtred's masterpiece Clavis Mathematicae (1631) in which other mathematical symbols are experimented with, which are still with us today  (including ´ for multiplication).

Instead of the now familiar equality symbol, many mathematicians of that era used words or abbreviations (including "ae" for the Latin aequalis) well into the 18th century.  Thomas Harriot (1560-1621) was using a slightly different symbol ( Harriot's Equality Symbol ), while some others used a pair of vertical lines ( || ) instead.

Earliest Uses of Symbols of Relation   (Jeff Miller)

 Infinity (2003-08-08)   ¥
The infinity symbol introduced by John Wallis in 1655.

This symbol was first given its current mathematical meaning in "Arithmetica Infinitorum" (1655) by the British mathematician John Wallis (1616-1703).

  (resp. )  is simply the mathematical symbol used to denote the "limit" of a real quantity which eventually remains above (resp. below) any preset bound.

Also, in the canonical map between the complex plane and a sphere minus a point, the unsigned symbol (¥) corresponds to the "missing point" of the sphere,  but  ¥  is not a proper complex number...  It's just a convenient symbol for the fictitious "circle at infinity" beyond the horizon of the complex plane, so to speak.

 of Bernoulli

The symbol itself is properly called a lemniscus, a latin name which means "pendant ribbon" and was first used in 1694 by Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705) to describe a planar curve now called the  Lemniscate of Bernoulli.  Cross of
 St. Boniface

The design was a part of Western iconography well before modern times.  In particular, it's found on the cross of Saint Boniface (bishop and martyr, English apostle of Germany, né Winfrid c.675-755).


The infinity snake, the ouroboros symbol (also, uroboros or uroborus) is a serpent or a dragon biting its own tail  (ourobóroV means "tail swallower" in Greek).  The symbol appeared in Egypt as early as 1600 BC, and independently in Mesoamerica (see a Mayan version at left).  It has been associated with the entire Zodiac and the eternity of time.  It's the symbol of the perpetual cyclic renewal of life.  It has been found in Tibetan rock carvings and elsewhere depicted in the shape of a lemniscate, although a plain circle is more common (the circle symbolizes infinity in Zen Buddhism).

The Lemniscate or Infinity Symbol

 Aleph 0  omega (2003-11-10)   Symbols of Infinite Numbers
w and Ào, the other infinity symbols.

As discussed above, the infinity symbol of Wallis (¥) is not a number...

However, there are two different approaches that make sense of actual infinite numbers.  Both of them were first investigated by Georg Cantor (1845-1918).

Two sets are said to have the same cardinal number of elements if they can be put in one-to-one correspondence with each other.  For finite sets, the natural integers (0,1,2,3,4 ...) are adequate cardinal numbers, but transfinite cardinals are needed for infinite sets.  The symbol Ào (pronounced "aleph zero", "aleph null", or "aleph nought") was introduced by Cantor to denote the smallest of these (the cardinal of the set of the integers themselves).  He knew that more than one transfinite cardinal was needed because his famous diagonal argument proves that reals and integers have different cardinality.

The second kind of infinite numbers introduced by Cantor are called transfinite ordinals.  Observe that a natural integer may be represented by the set of all nonnegative integers before it, starting with the empty set ( Æ ) for 0 (zero) because there are no nonnegative integers before it.  So, 1 corresponds to the set {0}, 2 is {0,1}, 3 is {0,1,2}, etc. For the ordinal corresponding to the set of all the nonnegative integers {0,1,2,3...} the w infinity symbol was introduced.

Cantor did not stop there, since {0,1,2,3...w} corresponds to another transfinite ordinal, which is best "called"  w+1.  {0,1,2,3...w,w+1} is w+2, etc.  Thus, w is much more like an ordinary number than Ào.  In fact, within the context of surreal numbers described by John H. Conway around 1972, most of the usual rules of arithmetic apply to expressions involving w (whereas Cantor's scheme for adding transfinite ordinals is not even commutative).  Note that 1/w is another nonzero surreal number, an infinitesimal one.  By contrast, adding one element to an infinity of Ào elements still yields just Ào elements, and 1/Ào is meaningless.

Infinite Ordinals and Transfinite Cardinals   |   The Surreal Numbers of John H. Conway

 cap, intersection  wedge, chevron, logical and, gcd, hcf (2005-04-10)   Cap: Ç   Cup: È   Wedge: Ù   Vee: Ú
Intersection (greatest below) & Union (lowest above).

The chevron (wedge) and inverted chevron (vee) are the generic symbols used to denote the basic binary operators induced by some partial ordering.  The chevron symbol (wedge) denotes the highest element "less" than (or equal to) both operands.  The inverted chevron symbol (vee) denotes the lowest element "greater" than (or equal to) both operands.

Among positive integers, consider the relation (usually denoted by a vertical bar) which we may call "divides" or "is a divisor of".  It is indeed an ordering relation, because it's reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive.  It's only a partial ordering relation because, for example, 2 and 3 can't be "compared" to each other  (as neither divides the other).  pÙq is the greatest common divisor (GCD) of p and q, more rarely called their highest common factor (HCF).  Conversely, pÚq is their lowest common multiple (LCM).

pÙq   =   gcd(p,q)     [ = (p,q) ]   (*)
pÚq   =   lcm(p,q)

(*) We do not recommend the widespread but dubious notation  (p,q)  for the GCD of p and q.  It's unfortunately dominant in English texts.

In the context of Number Theory, the above use of the "wedge" and "vee" mathematical symbols needs little or no introduction, except to avoid confusion with the meaning they have in predicate calculus (the chevron symbol stands for "logical and", whereas the inverted chevron is "logical or", also called "and/or").

In Set Theory, the fundamental ordering relation among sets may be called "is included in"  (Ì or, more precisely, Í).  In this case, and in this case only, the corresponding symbols for the related binary operators assume rounded shapes and cute names:  cap (Ç) and cup (È).  AÇB and AÈB are respectively called the intersection and the union of the sets A and B.

The intersection AÇB is the set of all elements that belong to both A and B.  The union AÈB is the set of all elements that belong to A and/or B ("and/or" means "either or both"; it is the explicitly inclusive version of the more ambiguous "or" conjunction, which normally does mean "and/or" in any mathematical context).

The chevron symbol is also used for the  exterior product  (the wedge product).

In an international context, the same mathematical symbol may be found to denote the vectorial cross product as well...

(2005-09-26)   "Blackboard Bold" or Doublestruck Symbols
Letters enhanced with double lines are symbols for sets of numbers.

Such symbols are attributed to Nicolas Bourbaki, although they don't appear in the printed work of Bourbaki...  Some  Bourbakists  like Jean-Pierre Serre advise against them, except in handwriting  (including traditional blackboard use).

Some Doublestruck Symbols and their Meanings
DoublestruckBold EtymologySymbol's Meaning
PPPrime Numbers2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17...
NNNatural NumbersMonoid of Natural Integers
ZZZahl [German]Group of Integers
ZQ QuotientField of Rational Numbers
RR RealField of Real Numbers
CC ComplexField of Complex Numbers
HH HamiltonSkew Field of Quaternions

  ln(x)   =  
ó x  
(2003-08-03)   ò
The integration symbol introduced by Leibniz.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz thought of integration as a generalized summation, and he was partial to the name "calculus summatorius" for what we now call [integral] calculus.  He eventually settled on the familiar elongated "s" for the sign of integration, after discussing the matter with Johann Bernoulli, who favored the name "calculus integralis" and the symbol  I  for integrals...  Eventually, what prevailed was the symbol of Leibniz, with the name advocated by Bernoulli...

(2002-07-05)   Q.E.D.   [ QED = Quod Erat Demonstrandum ]
What's the name of the end-of-proof box, in a mathematical context?

Mathematicians call it a halmos symbol, after Paul R. Halmos (1916-) who is also credited with the "iff" abbreviation for "if and only if".  Typographers call it a  tombstone, which is the name of the symbol in any non-scientific context.

Before Halmos had the idea to use the symbol in a mathematical context, it was widely used to mark the end of an article in popular magazines (it still is).  Such a tombstone is especially useful for an article which spans a number of columns on several pages, because the end of the article may not otherwise be so obvious...  Some publications use a small stylized logo in lieu of a plain tombstone symbol.

See Math Words...  Here's a halmos symbol, at the end of this last line!   Halmos

Jacob Krauze (2003-04-20; e-mail)
As a math major, I had been taught that the symbol (used for partial derivatives) was pronounced "dee", but a  chemistry professor told me it was actually pronounced "del".  Which is it?  I thought "del" was reserved for [Hamilton's nabla operator]   Ñ  =  < ¶/¶x, ¶/¶y, ¶/¶z > ...

"Del" is indeed a correct name for both    and  Ñ.  Some authors present these two as the lowercase and uppercase versions of the same mathematical symbol, although the terms "small del" and "big del" [sic!] are rarely used, if ever... 

Physicists and others often pronounce y/x "del y by del x".  In an international scientific context, the possible confusion between    and Ñ  is probably best avoided by calling the  Ñ  mathematical symbol "nabla del", or simply  nabla.

William Robertson Smith (1846-1894) coined the name "nabla" for the Ñ mathematical symbol, whose shape is reminiscent of a Hebrew harp by the same name (also spelled "nebel").  The term was first adopted by Peter Guthrie Tait (1831-1901) by Hamilton and also by Heaviside.  Maxwell apparently never used the name in a scientific context.

The question is moot for many mathematicians, who routinely read a    symbol like a "d" (mentally or aloud).  I'm guilty of this myself, but don't tell anybody!

When it's necessary to lift all ambiguities without sounding overly pedantic, "" is also routinely called "curly d", "rounded d" or "curved d".  It corresponds to the cursive "dey" of the Cyrillic alphabet and is sometimes also known as Jacobi's delta, because Carl Gustav Jacobi is credited with the popularization of the symbol's modern mathematical meaning (starting with the 1841 publication of his epoch-making paper entitled "De determinantibus functionalibus",  Condorcet 
 (1743-1794)  Legendre  
(1752-1833)  in which what we now call Jacobians are presented.).  Historically, this mathematical symbol was first used by Condorcet in 1770, and by Legendre around 1786.

Borromean rings(2003-06-10)   Borromean Links
What are Borromean rings?

These are 3 interwoven rings which are pairwise separated (see picture).  Interestingly, it can be shown that such rings cannot all be perfect circles (you'd have to bend or stretch at least one of them) and the converse seems to be true:  three simple unknotted closed curves may always be placed in a Borromean configuration unless they are all circles [no other counterexamples are known].

The design was once the symbol of the alliance between the Visconti, Sforza and Borromeo families.  It's been named after the Borromeo family who has perused the three-circle symbol, with several other interlacing patterns!  The three rings are found among the many symbols featured on the Borromeo coat of arms (they are not nearly as prominent as one would expect, you may need a closer look).  One version of
 Odin's Triangle

The Borromean interlacing is also featured in other symbols which do not involve rings.  One example, pictured at left, is [one of the two versions of] the so-called Odin's triangle.

In a recent issue of the journal  Science  (May 28, 2004)  a group of chemists at UCLA reported the synthesis of a molecule with the Borromean topology.

Niels Bohr's
coat of arms(2003-06-23) The tai-chi mandala:  Taiji or Yin-Yang symbol.
Niels Bohr's coat-of-arms: "Argent, a taiji Gules and Azure."

Taiji Mandala The Chinese Taiji symbol (Tai-Chi, or taijitu) predates the Song dynasty (960–1279).  Known in the West as the Yin-Yang symbol, it appears in the ancient I Ching (or YiJing, the "Book of Changes").  It is meant to depict the two traditional types of complementary principles from which all things are supposed to come from, Yin and Yang, whirling within an eternally turning circle representing the primordial void (the Tao).  Wu-Chi The Confucian Tai-Chi symbol represents actual plenitude, whereas the Taoist Wu-Chi symbol (an empty circle) symbolizes undifferentiated emptiness, but also the infinite potential of the primordial Tao...

 Yin and Yang 

Yin and Yang are each divided into greater and lesser "phases" (or "elements").  A fifth central phase (earth) represents a perfect transformation equilibrium.

To a Western scientific mind, this traditional Chinese classification may seem entirely arbitrary, especially the more recent "scientific" extensions to physics and chemistry, which are highlighted in the following table:

EtymologyDark Side  (French: ubac)Bright Side  (French: adret)
GenderFemale, FeminineMale, Masculine
CelestialMoon, Planet, NightSun, Star, Day
Ancient SymbolWhite TigerGreen Dragon
ColorsViolet, Indigo, BlueRed, Orange, Yellow
Greater Phase
Transition, Young
West, Metal and Autumn
Potential Structure
East, Wood and Spring
Potential Action
Weak Nuclear ForceGravity
Lesser Phase
Stability, Old
North, Water and Winter
Actual Structure
South, Fire and Summer
Actual Action
Strong Nuclear ForceElectromagnetism
Dark, Cold, Wet
Solid, Heavy, Slow
Curling, Deep
Soft voice, Sad
Yielding, Soft, Relaxed
Stillness, Passivity
Coming, Inward, Pull
Receive, Grasp, Listen
Descending, Low, Bottom
Contracting, Preserving
Small, Interior, Bone
Mental, Subtle
Bright, Hot, Dry
Gas, Light, Fast
Stretching, Shallow
Loud voice, Happy
Resistant, Hard, Tense
Motion, Activity
Going, Outward, Push
Transmit, Release, Talk
Ascending, High, Top
Expanding, Consuming
Large, Exterior, Skin
Physical, Obvious
FoodSweet, Bitter, Mild
Vegetable, Root
Red meat
Salty, Sour, Hot
Fruit, Leaf
Space, Open angle
Finite, Discontinuous
Time, Closed circle
Infinite, Continuous
OrientationDexter, Negative, Loss
Front, Counterclockwise
Sinister, Positive, Gain
Back, Clockwise
Binary Arithmetic0, Zero, Even, No    No 1, One, Odd, Yes    Yes
ChemistryAcidic, Cation, OxidantAlkaline, Anion, Reductant
Genetic CodePyrimidines: Cytosine, ThyminePurines: Guanine, Adenine
Particle Physics Matter, Particle, Fermion Energy, Force, Boson

The traditional Chinese taiji symbol became a scientific icon when Niels Bohr made it his coat-of-arms in 1947 (with the motto: contraria sunt complementa) but the symbol was never meant to convey any precise scientific meaning...

 Modern [South] Korean Flag    

The oldest known Tai-Chi symbol was carved in the stone of a Korean Buddhist temple in AD 682.  A stylized version of the Ying-Yang symbol (Eum-Yang to Koreans) appears on the modern [South] Korean Flag (T'aeGuk-Ki) which was first used in 1882, by the diplomat Young-Hyo Park on a mission to Japan.  The flag was banned during the Japanese occupation of Korea, from 1910 to 1945. 

visits since June 10, 2003
 (c) Copyright 2000-2005, Gerard P. Michon, Ph.D.