Physics of Gases and Fluids
(2003-05-21) Who discovered the ideal gas law? [ pV = nRT ]
Clapeyron (1799-1864;
gave the law its modern form in 1834.
Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) is the one who first put all aspects of this relation
together around 1802, after key contributions from several other people.
This deceptively simple equation states that the product of the pressure (p)
and volume (V) of an ideal gas is proportional to its absolute
temperature (T) and to the number of molecules in it; "n" is actually the number
of moles, which is the number of molecules divided by a numerical
constant called Avogadro's number,
whereas "R" is a constant of proportionality
equal to
8.314472(15) J/K/mol.
The law was instrumental in the clarification of all the concepts involved,
with the sole exception of "volume", of course...
The law can be broken down into four statements which were historically
studied separately (some, or all, of these may be invalid
in elaborate models of actual fluids).
When the full law was finally formulated,
it became possible to quantify the discrepancies between the
"ideal" behavior it described and the actual properties of real gases...
Avogadro's Law :
At the same temperature and [low] pressure,
equal volumes of different gases contain the same number of molecules.
Like other "ideal gas" law, this law is only a fairly good approximation
under ordinary conditions.
However, it becomes extremely accurate at very low pressures,
and has even be stated as a rigorous law in the vocabulary of limits.
Boyle-Mariotte Law : Isothermal
At a given temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure.
This law was first formulated by Robert Boyle (1627-1691) in 1662,
without the important isothermal specification
which was added in 1676 by Edme Mariotte (1620-1684)
when he rediscovered the whole thing independently...
Charles' Law : Isochoric
When confined to a given volume, the pressure of a gas is
proportional to its absolute temperature.
This isochoric (or isovolumic) law has been named after
Jacques [Alexandre César] Charles (1746-1823)
at the suggestion of Gay-Lussac
(after whom the isobaric law, stated below, is named).
This is meant to acknowledge the unpublished work on the subject which
Charles performed in 1787.
Gay-Lussac's Law : Isobaric
At a given pressure, the volume of a gas is proportional
to its absolute temperature.

What's viscosity?
A viscous deformation is a lateral deformation which occurs at a rate
that's proportional to shear stress.
Such a deformation is most readily observed with thick paste, but it occurs
much faster in not-so-thick liquids (low viscosity).
Technically, tar pitch
is actually a thick liquid of extremely high viscosity.
On the other hand, contrary to urban legends,
glasses are amorphous solids at room temperature.
They do not behave like "supercooled liquids" (unless heated
above a certain transition point) but they may "creep" like crystalline solids do.
For crystalline solids and/or rocks,
what occurs [over geological periods of time]
is a so-called "plastic" deformation.
The rate of plastic flow is not directly proportional to stress but
rather to some increasing function of stress with a zero derivative at the origin
(so that there's no plastic deformation at all when the stress is low).
For example, in what's called "Power Law Creep", the strain rate is proportional to
some n-th power of stress (n>1) and to a temperature factor exp(-Q/RT),
which indicates how easily crystal dislocations may move at an absolute temperature T.
For typical rocks, the exponent n is around 3 (it ranges from slightly below 2 up to
8 or so) and the "activation energy" Q is roughly 200 kJ/mol
(it may range from below 100 kJ/mol up to about 500 kJ/mol).
Viscous flow is a special case (n = 1 and Q = 0) of Power Law Creep...
Quantitatively, viscosity is the ratio of
shear stress to shear strain rate.
(These two are proportional in the case of what's called a Newtonian fluid.)
Units of viscosity are thus homogeneous to the product of a stress
(or pressure) by a time.
Therefore, the SI unit of viscosity is the pascal-second
(Pa×s), also called poiseuille (Pl),
which is 10 times as large as the corresponding [deprecated] CGS unit,
the poise (P) of 1 dyne-second per square centimeter.
The centipoise (cP) is a surviving synonym of the
millipascal-second (mPa×s),
which happens to be the viscosity of water at a temperature of about
20.2°C. - At 20°C, the viscosity of water is about
1.005 mPa×s and decreases with temperature:
At t°C, the viscosity in millipascal-second is within 0.2% of
1.005 exp(-0.024475 (t-20) (1 - 0.8787
(t-20) / (t+98.5) )).
- At 20°C, the viscosity of air is about
0.01808 mPa×s
and increases with temperature;
it's about 0.01709 mPa×s at 0°C.
Dynamic Viscosity of Liquids
= cP | 0°C | 20°C | 25°C | 100°C |
Tar Pitch
| | 2 1011 | | |
Glycerin | 12070 | 1485 | | |
Castor Oil | | 986 | | |
Heavy Oil | | 450 | | |
Olive Oil | | 81 | | |
SAE 20W | | | | 5.7 |
SAE 10W | | | | 4.2 |
SAE 5W | | | | 3.9 |
Kerosene | 2.959 | | | |
Mercury | 1.685 | 1.560 | 1.526 | 1.245 |
Ethanol | 1.786 | 1.2 | 1.074 | |
Water | 1.789 | 1.005 | 0.893 | 0.284 |
CCl4 | 1.346 | | | |
Benzene | 0.912 | 0.652 | 0.604 | |
Methanol | | 0.59 | 0.544 | |
Acetone | | 0.326 | 0.306 | |
Diethyl Ether | 0.283 | 0.233 | 0.224 | |
Dynamic Viscosity of Gases
mPa×s | 0°C | 20°C | 100°C |
Argon | | 22.17 | |
Oxygen | 19.19 | | |
Helium | 18.60 | | |
Nitrogen |
16.60 | 17.50 | 20.90 |
Air | 17.09 | 18.08 | 21.30 |
CO2 | 13.90 | | |
Steam | | | 12.60 |
Hydrogen | 8.35 | | |
compiled from multiple sources.
The dynamic viscosity of gases is roughly proportional to the
square root of the absolute temperature (T) and varies
very little with pressure.
Human blood
at 37°C is about 0.45 mPa×s
The above is called absolute or dynamic viscosity, as opposed to
the relative or kinematic viscosity, which is defined as the
quotient of the dynamic viscosity by the mass density,
expressed in units that are homogeneous to the ratio of an area and a time
The [deprecated] CGS unit of kinematic viscosity is the stoke (St),
which is 10000 times smaller than the SI unit
A kinematic viscosity is routinely obtained with a [Saybolt or Engler]
by timing the passage of a calibrated volume of liquid
under its own weight through a small aperture.
The reciprocal of [either flavor of] viscosity is called fluidity.
Laminar Flow
Michel Couvreux
(TransMineral USA. 2003-04-29)
Permeability :
Mortar made from our natural hydraulic lime
(NHL 5, with twice its volume of sand)
has vapor-exchange properties
as 0.55 gram of air per hour,
per square meter, per mmHg [for one-coat renders]. What's its permeability?
Short Answer: 10 perm-inches (US) or
14.5 ng / s.m.Pa. Read on...
Besides the obvious problem with units, this question raises the issue
of converting a rating about the diffusion of air into the kind of water-vapor rating
which is clearly expected in the construction business.
We must also dispose of the fact that the stated rating is about a thickness of the
material which is not explicitely specified:
In the US, the thickness of "one-coat renders" is traditionally quoted as 3/8"
(there are normally 3 coats, including a thin outer coat, totalling 7/8" in thickness:
However, the link quoted in the question makes explicit reference to a "French standard"
(which we've been unable to locate).
This seems to imply that "one-coat renders"
is shorthand for a metric reference thickness of 1 cm
(1 cm is only 5% more than 3/8").
We'll be assuming this much in the following article.
If you know better, please
let us know...
There are two kinds of permeability.
Geologists who consider the flow of water or
through rocks deal with
hydraulic permeability (which we'll examine last) based on "Darcy's Law".
On the other hand, the construction industry refers to diffusion permeability,
which is based on "Fick's Law", the statement that the flux
of a diffusing substance is proportional to its concentration gradient.
For gases and vapors, partial pressures (more precisely, fugacities)
are used instead of "concentrations"...
and vapor ratings are quite different.
A layer of given thickness is rated according to its permeance
(= permeability times thickness):
Permeance, for "Water Vapor Transmission" (WVT):
The permeance of a
vapor barrier
[more precisely, a "vapor diffusion retarder" or VDR]
is a measure of how fast it lets water vapor through,
when its two sides have different partial pressures of water vapor.
Permeance may be stated either in perms [US perms]
or in metric perms (which are about 52% larger than US perms).
These units are defined as follows:
- 1 US perm =
1 grain (gn) of water vapor per hour, per ft2, per inHg.
- 1 metric perm =
1 gram (g) of water vapor per day, per m2, per mmHg.
A perm is exactly 32399455 / 49161192, or about 0.659 of a metric perm.
Note that this "metric perm" unit
is not metric at all, since it's based on nonmetric units like the day
for time, and the millimeter of mercury (mmHg) for pressure.
The strict metric equivalents of both of the above units are:
- 57.213494670945101394- ng / s.m2.Pa
= 1 US perm.
- 86.812682389543557170+ ng / s.m2.Pa
= 1 metric perm.
The above SI unit (ng / s.m2.Pa) is homogeneous to a time divided by a length
and actually boils down to a "picosecond per meter"
(ps / m) but it's never expressed this way.
Unfortunately, this very metric unit has [wrongly] been dubbed
a "metric perm" by some sources...
The value of a perm in SI units does not depend on temperature !
Please ignore all those well-meaning Internet sources
[ 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 ]
which state otherwise by listing the above equivalences as valid at 0°C,
while giving slightly higher values (+0.418 %) for 23°C.
This nonsense comes from a poor understanding of units of pressure:
The millimeter of mercury (mmHg) and the inch of mercury (inHg)
are units based on the conventional density of mercury,
which is exactly 13595.1 g/L...
The fact that this is very close to the actual density of mercury at 0°C is
not directly relevant to unit conversions...
Even less relevant is the density at 23°C (about 13538.5 g/L)
which happens to be 0.418 % less [here we go].
This only means that, if we were measuring pressure with an actual column
of mercury at 23°C, we would have to divide the readings in millimeters by
about 1.00418 to obtain actual pressures expressed in so-called mmHg. Got it?
(If you didn't, you're in good company,
since even standardization organizations have been known to
introduce such silly "units" of pressures, whose values vary with temperature,
just like the actual densities of mercury and water do.)
Permeance is occasionally given in g/m2/day (DIN 53122) where a
"standard" vapor-pressure difference is understood,
which corresponds to a difference in relative humidity
of 85% at 23°C between both sides (for example, 0%||85% or 15%||100%).
As the
vapor-pressure over liquid water
(100% r.h.) at 23°C is about 21.080 mmHg,
the standard vapor-pressure difference is 17.918 mmHg,
making the above unit equivalent to about (1/17.918) of a metric perm,
or 0.084683 of a US perm
(the conversion factor is about 11.8).
"Water-Vapor" Permeability:
The above permeance is equal to the [diffusion] permeability of the material
divided by its thickness.
Permeability is a characteristic of the material itself,
which may be expressed in "perm-inches":
If a material has a permeability of one perm-inch,
a one-inch layer of it has a permeance of one perm,
a two-inch layer has a permeance of ½ perm, etc.
(For the record, units of permeability are homogeneous to a time,
and a perm-inch is about 1.45322 picoseconds.)
WVT Properties of Some Construction Materials
(perm = "US" perm)
Material | Permeance
for common thickness | Water-Vapor Permeability (perm-inches) |
thickness | perm | g/m2/day(*) |
Still Air (ideally) | 1 cm |
305 | 3600 | 120 |
Gypsum Board | 1/2" |
79 | 933 | 40 |
Phenolic Foam | 1/2" |
52 | 614 | 26 |
HomeWrap ® | |
50 | 590 | |
NHL5 Mortar (1:2) | 1 cm |
25 | 300 | 10 |
NHL5 Mortar (1:2) | 7/8" |
11 | 135 | 10 |
| 7/16" |
2 | 24 | 0.86 |
Elastosil ® SG | 2.2 mm |
1.3 | 15 | 0.11 |
(tm) | 1" | 1 | 12 | 1 |
(*) DIN 53122
rating in g/m2/day is for 18 mmHg
(85% difference in relative humidity at 23°C)
Note: Data was compiled from various sources and
may have been adjusted for self-consistency. |
The mass diffusivity of water vapor in air (D)
is known to be 2.42 10-5 m2/s...
This is the coefficient to use in Fick's equation
Jx = -D (dC/dx),
which relates the mass flux (J)
to the gradient of mass concentration (C).
The partial pressure (p) of a gas is obtained from C by introducing the molar mass (M)
into the ideal gas law: p = RTC/M.
Thus we have: J = -(DM/RT) (dp/dx). In other words,
the diffusion permeability of ideal water vapor is DM/RT,
where R is the
molar gas constant:
8.314 472(15) J/K/mol.
In the case of water vapor (M = 0.018 kg)
diffusing in air at T = 300 K,
this gives a permeability of about 175 ng/s.m.Pa,
or 120 perm-inches, as shown in the first line of the above table.
Concerning NHL mortar, the unit given in Michel's question seems equivalent to
24 metric perms (since the time basis is an hour instead of a day),
so that 0.55 of such a unit would be exactly 13.2 metric perms
(about 20 US perms) if it was a true WVT rating.
Unfortunately it's explicitely specified as an air rating instead,
so we must somehow convert that into a water-vapor rating by considering
the different diffusion properties of air and water vapor...
If we assume that most pores in the mortar are much larger than the dimensions of the
molecules of the gases involved, we have microscopic
spaces in which the molecules bounce in thermal equilibrium,
in much the same way they would in an open space.
Under this simplification, each molecule of an ideal gas
of molar mass M would essentially diffuse
at a rate proportional to its average speed, which is itself proportional to
Ö(T/M) at temperature T.
- Water vapor (H2O) has a molar mass of 18.0153 g.
- Dry air is essentially 79% N2 (28.0135 g)
and 21% O2 (31.9988 g).
Ignoring interesting details, like the nitrogen enrichment of air diffusing
through mortar, we'll consider that
air is roughly a simple gas of molar mass 28.96456 g.
Such a gas would diffuse about 1.268 times slower than water vapor
(this is the square root of the molar mass ratio).
Accordingly, the permeance is roughly 1.268 times larger for water vapor
than for air, so the WVT permeance of a 1 cm layer
of NHL mortar is about 25.40 US perms (16.74 metric perms);
the permeability of 1:2 NHL5 mortar is thus
very nearly equal to 10 perm-inches.
Hydraulic Permeability
Law (of which there's a more general
tensor form)
states that a porous material lets a fluid through at a rate
inversely proportional to its viscosity
and directly proportional to both the cross-sectional area and the gradient
of the applied pressure (also called hydraulic gradient).
The material's [intrinsic] permeability is simply the coefficient of proportionality
in this law:
(flow rate) = (permeability) (area) (pressure gradient)
/ (viscosity)
The pressure gradient between two parallel sides is
their pressure difference divided by the thickness of the material between them.
The permeability coefficient happens to be homogeneous to a surface area.

ASTM E 96 Standard Test
ASTM E 96 Testing
Alvarez Master's Thesis:
of moisture diffusion theories in porous materials
Fick's Law
of Gas Transport
Plastics and Elastomers
(Mark Barnes, UK.
What are the resonant frequencies of a given volume of enclosed air?
The amplitude U of a wave that propagates at celerity V verifies the equation:
1 | |
¶ 2 U |
= |
¶ 2 U |
+ |
¶ 2 U |
+ |
¶ 2 U |
V 2 |
¶ t 2 |
¶ x 2 |
¶ y 2 |
¶ z 2 |
| = | DU |
[D is the Laplacian operator] |
As used above, the term "celerity" is best reserved for the "phase speed" which appears
in this equation. Here V is simply the speed of sound in air.
The elementary solutions of this wave equation
whose amplitudes are zero on the walls of a rectangular box are obtained as the products
of single-dimensional solutions for a segment
(namely, sine waves whose half-wavelengths are a submultiple of the length of the segment,
so they are zero at both ends).
Such an elementary solution of frequency n
has therefore the following form for a rectangular box of dimensions A, B and C,
when the origin of coordinates is one corner of the box
(in this, a, b and c are integers):
U(x,y,z,t) = sin(apx/A) sin(bpy/B) sin(cpz/C) exp(2ip
n t)
The Laplacian DU is thus
whereas the second time derivative of U is simply
As the above wave equation tells us, the ratio of those two square brackets
is equal to the square of the speed of sound V.
This gives us the following formula for
a resonant frequency (n) of air in a rectangular box
(where a, b and c are any positive integers):
|  | |
n = ½V Ö |
a2/A2 +
b2/B2 +
c2/C2 |
For a cylindrical box, say, you would solve a 2-dimensional equation for the disk
(using Bessel functions) and combine things as above into another formula
for n.
The lowest resonant frequency is, of course, obtained for
a = b = c = 1.
The next frequencies are not multiples of this one...
The general solution of the wave equation for the cavity is a superposition
of the above vibrations (à la Fourier).
We assumed perfectly rigid walls.
The relative correction for vibrating walls will typically be as small as the ratio
of the vibration amplitude (probably less than a millimeter)
to the wavelength in air (about a meter at 343 Hz, for air at 20°C)
The notion that resonant frequencies are directly related to volume is a myth,
but we may investigate what happens to the lowest resonant frequency
(a = b = c = 1)
for a constant volume L3 = ABC
(A = xL, B = yL, C = L/xy):
|  | |
n =
no Ö |
( 1/x2+1/y2+x2y2 ) / 3 |
This happens to have a minimum at
n = no
in the case of the cube (x = y = 1).
For a cavity that's not too different from a cube
(which may not help much with guitar design)
n is thus pretty close to
½Ö3 V/L,
where L is the cubic root of the volume, and V is the speed of sound...
To conclude, we may examine temperature dependency:
As the thermal dilatation of the instrument itself is very minute,
the frequencies are essentially proportional to the speed of sound V,
which is itself proportional to the square root of the absolute
temperature T (for an ideal gas).
At room temperature (T = 295 K),
this means that a variation of one kelvin (1°C)
will induce a frequency change of about 0.17%.
This translates musically into (take your pick):
0.00244 octave, 0.0293 semitones, 0.735 savart, 1.465 centitone,
2.93 cents or 2.44 millioctaves.
That's not much:
It takes a difference of about 10°C for wind instruments
to be off by 30 cents (30% of a semitone).
The shift is thus about one semitone between a warm interior
and freezing weather outdoors.
In an orchestra, all wind instruments are affected the same way,
and string instruments could adjust and/or retune, so everybody could still be in tune.
Pianos are a problem, keep them indoors...
(J. L. of Canada.
The atmosphere is made of molecules, piled up on top of each other.
It starts at earth's surface and becomes indistinguishable from the vacuum
of space a few hundred kilometers up.
Now, consider a 1 cm by 1 cm square sitting at sea level and all the air that's
sitting on top of that square, from the surface all the way up to outer space.
What is the approximate mass of the air in that one square-centimeter column?
The short answer is that pressure comes from the weight of the column of air
above the surface. The standard atmospheric pressure of 101325 Pa exerts a force of
10.1325 N on a surface of a square centimeter.
The problem is to estimate the
mass from the weight. As we shall see, Earth's gravity does not vary
much for most of the atmosphere, so we may use the standard value of gravity
(9.80665 m/s2 ) and come up with a mass of
approximately 10.1325 / 9.80665, or roughly 1.033 kg
over each square centimeter at sea level.
Indeed, Earth's gravity is approximately constant throughout the atmosphere:
At an altitude equal to 0.5% of the Earth radius (about 32km),
it is only 1% less than at sea level, and most of the atmosphere
is below that point (more than 99% of it is said to be below an altitude of about 70 km,
where gravity is only down 2%).
Consider a column of air at rest (it's essentially part of a slim cone whose apex is at
the center of the Earth).
The weight of all the molecules of air ultimately results in a single force pS exerted
by the pressure p at sea-level on the surface area S at sea-level.
Now the weight (that's force, not mass) of each molecule of mass m is
slightly less than the weight at sea level mg (g being gravity at sea-level)
so that the mass is slightly more than pS/g,
but not much more, as previously observed.
Taking the standard values g=9.80665 m/s2 and p=101325 Pa,
a surface
S=1 cm2= 0.0001 m2 would have approximately 1.03323 kg of air above it.
As we've seen, this is actually a slight underestimate of the true value,
so we may state that a cm2 at sea-level has
slightly more than a kilogram of air above it.
The interesting thing is to estimate the total mass of the atmosphere.
The surface of the Earth's is very close to
5.1 1014 m2
(that's the surface of the reference ellipsoid and that's also very close to the
surface area of a sphere whose radius is the "conventional" radius of the Earth,
namely 6371 km).
Therefore, the above gives a total mass of about
5.27 1018 kg.
Now there's a problem: the mass of the atmosphere is listed as
5.136 1018 kg in
my copy of the 1995 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (page 14-7).
We should not have been troubled at all about the small (2.6%) discrepancy
from our crude estimate, except that it turns out to be in the wrong direction:
If the variation of gravity with altitude was the only factor to correct,
the true number should be higher, no lower.
You may remark that more air is packed at the poles
(the temperature's lower, the density's higher) with a larger surface gravity
(9.832186 m/s2 at the poles).
This makes a correction in the right direction, but it cannot exceed 0.26%
(that's how much the gravity at the pole exceeds the standard value of g)
whereas our discrepancy is 10 times as large.
What else could be wrong?
Well, our value of the "standard" atmospheric pressure was precisely designed
to make this particular computation work out right and it is not at fault...
The reason for the discrepancy is that we overlooked land masses in the computation!
Whatever volume is occupied by land is not available for air and does
decrease the total mass of the atmosphere.
To get a 2.6% difference in the mass of the atmosphere,
we would need the average land (30% of the surface of the globe)
to decrease by about 9% the mass of air above it, as compared to sea level.
That looks like a pretty reasonable figure, and so does the CRC value of
5.136 1018 kg
for the mass of the entire Earth's atmosphere.
The molar mass of air is about 28.96456 g/mol, so there are about
1.733 1020 moles in the
atmosphere, that's a grand total of about
1.068 1044 individual
molecules. The square root of that is
1.034 1022, which is
0.01716 moles, or the number of molecules in 0.497 g of air.
This occupies a volume of about 400cc at 11°C under 1 atm.
In the folklore of physics, this volume was once known as "Caesar's last breath".
This volume is about equal to a human breath,
so each time we inhale, we take in about one of the molecules that Julius Caesar
last exhaled more than 2000 years ago (the 2000-year delay implies that
air has been thoroughly mixed since then).
This is so because the whole atmosphere is to a human breath (400cc) what a human breath
is to a single molecule.
We should not spoil everybody's fun by pointing out
that quantum mechanics tells us that identical molecules cannot be
distinguished, even in principle, so that the whole concern is
really fallacious (you just can't paint a molecule red)...
(D. M. of Titusville, FL.
How much hydrogen would you need to raise the Titanic?
How do you want to do it? I suppose you do not want the wreck airborne
(that would be both silly and unpractical).
I am guessing that you are not considering inflating some device at the surface
of the ocean with long (3800 meters!) cables to pull the wreck.
(Besides, hydrogen is not much better that air for this application.)
So, I assume that your idea is probably along the following lines:
Tie some kind of deflated balloons to the wreck (or put them inside the hull)
and let some kind of liquefied gas evaporate into these until the whole thing lifts up.
Lowering the gas in liquid form (in containers) avoids difficult pumping problems
when it comes to overcoming the tremendous pressure difference
(about 380 times the atmospheric pressure!).
Once the balloon starts going up, its volume will expand greatly because the
surrounding pressure decreases.
In practice (?), you'd have to let some gas out during the ascent so the balloons
won't explode. The maximum amount of gas would be needed at the very bottom,
at a depth of about 3800 meter (12500 ft).
Let's assume the necessary work can be carried out at such depth.
The problem is that the gas is under a pressure equal to about 3800*1025*9.8
(depth x density x gravitation) or about 38.2 MPa (377 atm).
What's the density of hydrogen at such a pressure? Well, hydrogen cannot
be considered an ideal gas (pV=RT) at that pressure, but we may still use the
Van der Waals approximation,
which reduces to
if p,V,T are expressed using as units the p,V,T values at the critical point of hydrogen
(p=1.293 MPa and T=32.98 K).
The bottom of the ocean is probably at a temperature near the densest point for water (3.98°C)
under normal pressure, so let's use T=277.13 K.
The volume V of a mole of hydrogen at P=38.2 MPa and T=277.13 K is thus about
x times the critical molar volume of hydrogen, if x is solution of:
(38.2/1.293+3/x2)(3x-1) = 8(277.13/32.98)
Which gives x = 1.024948...
The density of hydrogen near the Titanic wreck would thus be 1/x times
the density at the critical point of hydrogen, which I found listed as 0.031 g/cc.
It's therefore roughly equal to 0.03 g/cc (which is more than 300 times the density
of hydrogen at 1 atm and 0°C).
The density of seawater at the surface is about 1.025 g/cc.
Under 377 atm of pressure, this would increase only by about 2% to about 1.043 g/cc.
All told, 0.03 grams of hydrogen generate 1.013 grams of buoyancy
at the bottom of the ocean and the mass of hydrogen required is 30/1013 or about 3%
of the mass of the whole wreck, if we neglect the self-buoyancy of the wreck.
Taking into account the self-buoyancy of the wreck would probably bring the above number
down to about 2.5%. I am guessing the mass of the Titanic to be about 10,000 metric tons
(if anybody knows better, please let me know);
2.5% of that is 250 metric tons. That's a lot of hydrogen!
It would be a lot less if the Titanic was in shallower waters,
but the huge pressure is the killer here!
On 2001-03-08, Bob Cat (USA)
made the following suggestion:
Rather than using a balloon to lift the wreck, run an electrical cable into
the ship and use [electrolysis] to fill it with your choice of hydrogen or
You do need the same amount of hydrogen whether you put it in a balloon or in the hull
of the Titanic (assuming a broken hull at such a depth could somehow be fixed into something
airtight). You would also need to let gas out during the ascent, or the
hull would almost immediately burst open (just like a balloon would).
The solubility of hydrogen in water is rather low under normal pressure (saturating at
2.14 volumes of hydrogen in 100 volumes of water), but I would
venture a guess that it's much higher at 380 atm of pressure.
If hydrogen is significantly soluble, it can't be used to expel water from the hull,
since whatever hydrogen is produced gets dissolved immediately
(and oozes out of the wreck through whatever opening is left for water itself to be expelled).
Let's not dwell on that particular objection, which may or may not be valid,
and focus only on the main aspect of Bob's comment:
Bob's interesting proposition is to use electricity
to make 250 metric tons of hydrogen from seawater, instead of bringing it to the site in
liquid form. Let's see how much electricity would be needed:
To make a mole of H 2 gas,
it takes 2 faradays of electric charge,
or 192970 C [a coulomb (C) is the charge delivered by a current
of one ampere in a
time of one second ] which is roughly 53.6 A-h (ampere-hour).
What this gives you is just 2 grams of hydrogen.
What you need is about 250 000 000 grams, corresponding to 6.7 GA-h
(6700 000 000 A-h).
To complete the job in a century (876600 hours)
you'd have to run a current of about 7643 A, 24 hour a day 7 days a week.
The delivery voltage at the sea floor should be at least a few volts (I'll
be more precise if/when I find the time to derive the proper dependence on pressure
for the electrolysis of seawater; I've not done this in 20 years and I am rusty on this
particular issue).
Using transformers and AC to DC converters at the sea floor is something you could consider
(it would not be technologically easy) but let's say we stick with
low-tech delivery of straight DC current from the surface...
A length of 3800 m of hefty copper cable ½" in diameter (12.7 mm)
would have a resistance of about 0.5 W.
Even if we use the ocean as a low-resistance return path (so that we only need a single wire)
this means a voltage drop of about 3800 volts!
So, you're gonna use about 30 megawatts (30 MW) of power,
most of it spent warming up seawater...
This is 150% of the power delivered by each of the 4 engines of a 747 jetliner,
24 hours a day for a hundred years!
A Jumbo Jet for 10 Years
If you have the power of the 4 engines of a jumbo jet (80 MW) you'll run a current
63.3% larger (1.633 is the square root of 80/30) and do the job
in "only" 61 years.
You may want to save time and energy by running N identical cables
fed with 1/N of your power:
Each cable would be running a current ÖN
smaller than before under a voltage also ÖN times smaller.
The total current in the N cables is thus ÖN bigger
for the same power than it would be with a single cable.
Therefore, the whole job may be completed ÖN times as fast.
With N=100 cables, the job would
thus apparently be completed in "only" 6 years (and 45 days).
Actually, the power lost to the return path becomes
very much relevant at this point (see next comment by Edgar Bonet)
so we would need at least 10 solid years, even with a bigger boat to lessen the
return resistance...
After viewing this page (on 2004-06-14) French physicist
Edgar Bonet
remarked that the resistance of the ocean on the return path could be estimated by
considering the hull of the surface ship through which it
goes to be roughly a half-sphere of radius R = 5 m
(we are gold-plating the thing to avoid corrosion
This gives a resistance of about 6 mW
(namely, r/2pR, where
r » 0.2 W×m
is the resistivity of seawater).
This is negligible when we have but a single cable, but roughly doubles
the total resistance when we have 100 of them in parallel.
This also means that there's little to gain by adding many more cables beyond
this point, unless we're willing to use about half of them on the return path...
Lest they become a critical bottleneck,
the bottom electrodes should be quite large too...
Note that each cable has a mass of about 4.3 metric tons, so that the
total mass of copper you need to bring on site to produce the hydrogen
(in ten years) is about twice the mass of the liquid hydrogen you could have brought.
A Jumbo Jet for One Hour
Notice also how
terribly inefficient the whole thing is. Lifting a wreck of 10000 metric tons
from a depth of 3800 meters requires "only" about 300 gigajoules (allowing for helpful
self-buoyancy). Using the power of a jumbo jet (80 MW) for about an hour would do
the trick. (Actually you don't want to do it that fast because you'd have to
fight quite a drag if the wreck is being lifted at 3.8 km/h!)
The hydrogen idea is very wasteful to begin with (because you end up releasing on the
way up almost all the hydrogen you needed to get some buoyancy at the bottom).
If, on top of that, you insist on running
long copper cables (presumably from a nuclear-powered ship) to produce the hydrogen
where it's needed, you end up with a combined efficiency of roughly 0.001%.
Well, that was a nice excuse for some "fantasy engineering"... Thanks, Bob.