What became of antiquity? 3 great problems solved parallel postulate independent geometry, arithmetic, logic all intimately connected now, at a high level modern day analogs: - geometry: narrowly: differential geometry; broadly: geometry - arithmetic: narrowly: algebraic number theory; broadly, algebra and number theory - logic: narrowly: logic; broadly: logic, set theory, computation exhaustion -> calc irrational -> complex, non-algebraic, non-solvable, non-computable: more abstract and generic later %%%%%%%%%%%%%% later issues, like solving polynomials, now well-understood; . not all questions these provoke are solved (absolute galois group of Q) . some elementary conjectures still open (Goldbach/Goldberg sp?; Fermat until recently) Other than these elementary conjectures, math is mostly working on the things discovered in the 19th century. (rigor and foundations of old things have been studied; not "resolved", but well-developed) Also, new symmetries (finite simple groups, Lie algebras) discovered, in the line of Platonic solids. (indeed, Coxeter clarified Platonic solids!) Pithily: - Everything the Greeks asked has been answered (in the 19th century), - but these answers provoked new questions, which are still open