Linear Algebra: many things Q: how much of this is -detailed- stuff about operators (and esp., not very mneumonic?). ---------------------------------------- K[T] is a PID; minimal poly is generator of annihilating ideal (name?) ---------------------------------------- Given v \in V (or better, W < V), have an ideal in K[T] that kills it. Non-empty b/c 1...A^{n^2} have a linear relation. More concretely, v,Av,... after at most A^n, you get a relation further, this works on the -whole space spanned by v,Av, etc.- Given W, W', the annihilator (name?) for W + W' is LCM ann(W),ann(W') (by linearity) so: start with some vector, and find annihilating ideal for this; this has degree k, so span(v,Av,...A^{k-1}v) has dim k okay -- pick another one, and repeat. Eventually you get a poly of degree n that annihilates the whole space. Cayley-Hamilton pf 1: look at jordan form; then it's "like duh" ---------------------------------------- This actually gives a -defn- of dimension; 1: an associative algebra A acts on itself faithfully; this gives a linear representation (into End A). However, if A=End(K^n), then A has dim n^2 (as a vector space), so this representation has A acting on an n^2-dim'l space. 2: By Cayley-Hamilton, we know that every element of End(V^n) has "algebraic degree" (some better name?) at most n: it satisfies a polynomial of degree at most n. This suggests a sort of "dimension" for an algebra: the minimal "algebraic degree" of the algebra. Dunno if this is a useful POV. ---------------------------------------- state/prove statements about bases, spanning, linear independence; rewrite them in modern language, saying "vector spaces are all -projective- and -injective-". (lifting property, direct sum) the point being: the statements about bases are all about injective w/r/t K^n.