*** I have notes on this *** Why does the cross product compute area, and why can you compute it via a determinant? B/c the cross product -is- (adjunct to) the determinant! (or rather, to a volume form) The determinant is the natural map End(V) -> K, given by End(V) -> End(\Lambda^n V) = K (the top exterior power is a 1-dimensional vector space, whose endomorphism are exactly scalar multiplication, hence naturally identified. Properly, K -> End(V) via scalar multiplication, and here it's epi, so an isomorphism). A volume form is an element of (V^n)^* (given n vectors, compute the volume); given an identification End(V) -~-> V^n, the determinant gives you a volume form, and a choice of basis identifies End(V) with V^n [this is the formal way of saying: "A linear map is freely determined by where it sends a basis".] [I should be careful: End(V) -~-> V^n, but not V^{\otimes n}; the map (V^n) -> K is multilinear, not linear.] So a volume form is a multilinear map V^n -> K The cross product comes from adjunction on one (say, the last) coordinate: V^{n-1} -> V^* ...together with identifying V^* with V (via an inner product, or more generally non-degenerate form): V^{n-1} -> V^* -~-> V Hey, weird: in 3D, the determinant gives you V x V -> V & V -> V (x) V (I think) ...so a Hopf structure? ?? this is basically -affine- (we're using a 3D determinant to compute 2D area; are we basically seeing it as a 2D plane in 3D space?) You can do the same in higher dimensions, to compute the area of a parellelipiped. Note that you get signed area, accordingly as whether you agree or disagree with the given orientation. I do not think you can use this to compute general Grammians.