How does one integrate a function with values in a general vector space? Answer 1: Pick a basis, and integrate in each coordinate. Answer 2: Recall that one way to think of integrating functions is: push forward the measure to the target space, and take the relevant sum/expectation (integrate "x" over the vector space, w/r/t that measure). So the idea that comes from this is: divide the -vector space- into pieces, P_i. Now you have the measure of each of these parts a_i = u(P_i), and the actual integral is a_i x_i^*, where x_i^* is "the average value on that piece" (the -correct- choice) [this is a rather Riemannian way of putting it] ...but anyway you can bound the -possibilities-: the -possible- integrals, given a partition, are $\set{\sum a_i x_i | x_i \in P_i}$ In the 1-dimensional case, if you take the pieces to be intervals, this gives -exactly- lower sums and upper sums (the possible integrals are exactly the interval defined by these lower and upper sums). Oh cool -- and now my remark about using compactness to prove that intergrals exist actually -is- relevant: given any finite number of partitions (2 is enough, by induction), one can take the common refinement, which has a non-empty set of possible integrals (and is closed, if you feel like it) ...and thus the overall integral (intersection over all partitions) is non-empty; the function has a unique, "well-defined" integral iff this is a single point. ...and this works on any locally compact topological vector space? [Yay: 2006-Aug: I finally understand 1st year (grad) analysis.] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so Jordan's big idea was to see integration not as partitioning the -domain- but as partitioning the -target- (still "into intervals") ...and then measuring how much falls in that part of the target by measuring the pullback. This is -exactly- a round about way of saying: "push forward the measure and take expectation". [Indeed, "push forward" is more intuitive, albiet technically less direct, since it's a shrike kinda map (is it?)] NB: one can -alternately- say: "You are simply doing Darboux, but cutting up the -domain- into measurable sets, not just intervals". What's the connection? If you cut up the -target- into intervals, and then -pull back-, the resulting partition of the -domain- (recall that \cP^* f is mono, so partitions pull back to partitions) is into -measureable- sets. [And the asymmetry between measure spaces (domains) and vector spaces (targets) explains the wacky asymmetric definition of a measurable function.]