algebraic notions: vector spaces affine spaces Over the reals, there are two additional notions: Cones are the vector notion; convex is the affine notion. cone = closed under semipositive -sum- convex = closed under semipositive -average- In particular, a cone is convex. Conversely, Recall that you can view affine space as a hyperplane in a vector space; given a subset of an affine space, the cone (semipositive multiples) over it is a cone iff the subset is convex. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Picture of: vector n-space: R^n affine n-space (n+1 affine dim'l!): fiber over 1 of augmentation map R^{n+1} -> R cone: (R^{\ge 0})^n convex: standard simplex (intersection of affine and cone) it also for R^\infty, as that's the universal example square of theories, and of the spaces / models vs have *most* structure (can take sums) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% polyhedra as images of simplex! cool, eh? (# of dim = # of vertices) ------------------------------- cone/affine/convex You can do -exactly- the same thing with cones, affine spaces, and convex spaces. There the model spaces are: - cone: $(\bR^+)^n$ (the quadrant/octant/etc.) - affine: $\ker \bR^n \to \bR$ under sum (augmentation ideal) - convex: intersection of these (standard simplex) ...note the containments, which correspond to containments of theories (d'apres universal algebra, as discussed with Michael Shulman): every vector space is a cone, etc. ...and then you can look at the various dimensions -here-. Since they do -not- all agree, there actually is something to study! (It's very confusing when you're given 2 different notions but no example that separates them!) EGs: - an n-dimensional vector space has cone in-dimension n and cone out-dimension n+1 (you can fit an n-dimensional model cone in it, and can cover it with an n+1 dimensional cone) Pf: take the usual containment to get in-dimension; (i.e., take a vector space basis) tack on -(v_1+...+v_n) to get out-dimension. [careful of what you mean by in-dimension: you can't just say "no -positive- linear relation", as then you can fit Hilbert cone space into the line! Instead, you need "no redundance" (remember, it's mono), and any linear dependence yields 2 positive sides: u+v-w = 0 -> u+v = w] - affine spaces have exactly 1 more dimension: this corresponds to: n+1 points in general linear position in $\bR^n$ are (linearly) independent - for convex sets, in-dimension = manifold dimension, while out-dimension = number of vertices. Isn't it cool that you can think of a hexagon as a projection of a 5-dimensional simplex? (or more simply a square as a projection of a tetrahedron?)